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The importance of internal communication: Keys to improve the work environment Hola

The importance of internal communication: Keys to improve the work environment

Internal communication is essential to have a good work environment. Although some companies neglect it due to lack of time or interest, it brings great benefits both for positions, staff and even for suppliers and end customers. For this same reason, we have written a post about the importance of internal communication. Are you ready?

What is internal communication?

Internal communication, unlike what is commonly known as external, consists of a series of communicative actions that are directed at the staff. These have one main objective: to foster a good relationship between all the departments that make up a business. Thanks to it, communication between each and every one of the company’s workers improves and, therefore, the results show optimal results. In addition, with good internal communication, the staff can know much better how the company works and can transmit it correctly to the final consumer. Knowing how the organization operates, what are the processes that follow and the role of the rest of the departments will improve the work environment.

Main objectives

The main objectives of a good internal communication plan within a company are:

  • Improve the participation of the whole team.
  • Build a stronger brand image.
  • Strengthen links between management and organization and the staff.
  • Avoid miscommunication between departments.
  • Promote internal participation.

How to create a good internal communication plan?

With the help of professionals, you can design a good plan to meet all the objectives mentioned above. The steps to follow are:

  1. Commitment: Make management and employees commit to improving communication.
  2. Audit: Analysis of how internal communication is at the moment.
  3. Design the plan: We define objectives, means, actions, times and procedures for the implementation of the plan.
  4. Awareness: Demonstrate why it is important to follow the plan.
  5. Implementation of the plan: It is time to apply the strategies.
  6. Monitoring and control: Are the marked actions working? Why? How can we improve them?

Advantages of having good internal communication within the company

Having a plan developed to improve the internal communication of a company supposes a great number of benefits for the business:

  • Improves productivity: By having all the necessary information, the staff will be able to make better decisions and optimize processes and development. Consequently, your motivation will increase and the results will be greater.
  • Resolution of problems and conflicts: Thanks to knowing the company in detail, problems and conflicts that may arise can be resolved more quickly.
  • Stronger bond between workers: Improving internal communication will allow the workforce to get to know each other better and to generate bonds and circles of trust that provide greater security.
  • Feeling of belonging to the group: By bringing together all the information and being more transparent, the team will notice a feeling of belonging to the same team, with common objectives.

Finally, we must emphasize that problems in external communication are avoided: If a company has good internal communication, it will be easier for it to transmit its values, methods, objectives and mission to the end customer.

Examples of internal actions

So, if we want to improve the internal communication of a company… What can we do? The first thing is that you turn to communication professionals to draw up a plan that suits your company and your needs. Next, we leave you a series of ideas that you can use as internal actions:

  • Corporate monthly newsletters.
  • Monthly reports with relevant information.
  • Quick access to the information of the entire workforce (Name, position and emails).
  • Boards (virtual and physical) with relevant news.
  • Optimized and updated intranet.
  • Create a corporate manual.
  • Suggestion box (virtual and / or physical): Active listening is essential.
  • Team building days: Due to the current situation, you can do them online.
  • Events and exclusive training for the staff.

These are some of the ideas for good internal communication. Depending on the resources available, the size of the company, number of employees, etc. one or other actions will be appropriate. The best thing is to turn to a company specialized in communication to carry out an audit and a personalized plan for your company. Talk later?


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