Google Ads Bonus for SMEs: Investment aid is here

As Google announced on March 27, since yesterday, aid aimed at supporting small businesses in these times of crisis caused by COVID-19 is beginning to be applied. More than $ 340 million in Google Ads credits that SMEs with active accounts during the past year can use at any time until the end of 2020 on their advertising platforms.

Companies, whatever their size, have been facing unique challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis, and many of them continue to rely on Google Ads to reach their customers, the company says. So, as a gesture of support, they have added advertising credit to accounts that meet the requirements so they can invest in advertising this year. The credit will expire on December 31, 2020 and the amount not spent will disappear from the account.

At Multiconversion, as an Official Google Partner, we are very pleased with this initiative, which we add to our efforts to help our clients keep their businesses and companies running. A help that managed by professionals is a great boost that will result not only in conversions for the client, but also in a breath of fresh air and encouragement for all of us. We stop this virus together and we will get ahead.


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Solución: Comercio electrónico

Creación de la tienda online o E-Commerce y alta del catálogo de productos.

Diseño de eCommerce en WordPress con theme a medida para la compraventa de productos. Incluyendo pasarela de pagos, diseño responsive, accesibilidad nivel AA Pautas W-CAG-2.1, autogestionable, métodos de envío, con analítica de datos.

Rango de precios

Tienda online: desde 1.200€
Incorporación de catálogo de productos: desde 800€

Posicionamiento básico en internet:

Te ayudamos a que obtengas visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda como Google con la implementación del posicionamiento SEO On site

Rango de precios

Seo on site: desde 800€

Precio y segmento del tamaño del beneficiario de la solución:

0 ‐< 3 empleados: Segmento II = Desde 2000€

3 ‐< 10 empleados: Segmento I = Desde 2000€

10 ‐< 50 empleados = Desde 2000€ -