ROI on Facebook Ads: How to get a return on your investment in Facebook?

Clearly Facebook has become a giant of online advertising. However, the fight now is to know if you can really have a positive ROI with Facebook campaign. Myth? Reality? Now we will go into more detail.

In its beginnings as an advertising tool, Facebook was more oriented to communication and interaction and not so much as a business tool that generates quantitative income. However, the great growth of active users, the establishment of the brands and the “positive” perception of the user, as well as the acquisition of Instagram or WhatsApp, as well as many other factors, have made it an online means of selling very important.

Beyond that, one of the keys is based on all the information that is handled from Facebook about its users, which allows to create a strong and very powerful algorithm, showing content of payment to people who may really be interested, in the Timely and in the ideal location.

But, going to the heart of the subject… How to get ROI on Facebook? It is not an impossible mission, nor much less, the important thing is that there is a prior strategy and the task is not simply to promote content without a clear objective.

Here are some tips and guidelines when developing an advertising campaign on Facebook.

Choose your goal well based on your campaign strategy: What do you want to achieve?

Many people think that the goal is not something too important or always use the same for all types of campaigns. ERROR! Depending on the campaign, the metrics change. Some offer more scope, others more interaction, etc. If you dedicate a moment to do some A / B test of campaign objective, you will see clearly the difference.

Adjust your goal to what you really want to achieve. You cannot cover everything, so focus on what you want to achieve mainly in that campaign (scope, reproductions, lead, sales, etc.) and, from there, draw conclusions.

Fully exploit custom audiences and similar

Segmentation is very important in Facebook, since there are many possibilities to find audiences related to our brand or product. Surely many times we have thought that the interests offered by Facebook are too general and perhaps we will be lashing out in the dark.

ROI en Facebook Ads

Therefore, we recommend that you create valuable personalized publics (web visitors, people who interact with your page, people who watch your videos, etc.) and, from there, you can create similar audiences to expand and find more related people.

The goal is finding audiences that, in some way, interact with our brand or that we know they have some interest to be able to refine.

Optimize the Facebook pixel

This point is one of the most important things and, in turn, one of the most overlooked. It’s not just about installing a piece of code and it’s all done. It is necessary to create and track useful events for the user or that this action has value for us. In this way, the pixel is little by little “educated” and in this way, the audience is better found.

That is, the more information Facebook has about the user, the better performance our campaigns will have and the more successful advertising impacts, and obviously this is achieved with the pixel.

“The more information Facebook has about the user, the better performance our campaigns will have and the more successful in the advertising impacts

Exploits creativity and available formats

The evolution of formats improves every day and new solutions are sought. Not so long ago, we only had a standard banner located in the news feed and in the column on the right.

Now, we can use collection formats, custom Canvas, Carousel, Stories, etc., so we have many ways to impact our target audience. In addition to the video, which Facebook usually awards giving more reach and, in general, better results.

Study and evaluate metrics

It does not make sense to force something that does not work or that is having bad results, as much as we believe it is a great campaign, because in the end we depend a lot on the quality that Facebook gives it.

ROI en Facebook Ads Métricas

Therefore, we recommend evaluating mainly:

  1. CPC or how much are we willing to pay for a user to perform an action on the ad?
  2. CTR % or is my ad being flashy? Do people click enough on the impressions they are having?
  3. Ad score: Does Facebook like my ad or should I get closer to its guidelines to make it more relevant?
  4. Cost/conversion: how much do I pay to achieve my goals? Is my campaign profitable?

These are just some of the guidelines we propose. Facebook Ads is a very powerful tool, but also more complex than it seems, so we recommend you trying to apply some of these techniques, do you dare?


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Rango de precios

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