Microinfluencers: What are they and why include them in your marketing strategy?

We have been talking about celebrities for years, familiar with the profiles of influencers and YouTubers, but we rarely stopped to value, at least on a professional level, the profiles of those people who had not yet come to the fore but really exerted a certain degree of influence on their followers.

And yet, today we can no longer live without those who, in digital marketing, we know by the name of microinfluencers.

In fact, we increasingly depend on them, because as we tell you in that other article entitled “Influencers: Marketing bubble?, The trend in influencer marketing is the loss of confidence in profiles that, although they seem to have a great number of followers, in truth they don’t generate engagement or contribute anything to their followers, which are often false. In addition, the different social media platforms have already reported they will gradually introduce changes in their algorithms trying to stop this type of profiles proliferation, as well as the falsification of followers and likes.

What are microinfluencers

Microinfluencers are profiles having between 1,000 and 10,000 followers on Instagram. These are people who have a high degree of interaction with their followers and who generate good engagement figures because, despite their numbers of likes, feedbacks and shared contents are lower, it is true that a certain degree of loyalty and commitment to their followers is observed.

So, either because of their proximity, because of their way of being or because they represent a specific culture niche, microinfluencers are personalities generating true affection among their followers.


Differences between celebrities, influencers and microinfluencers

If we want to differentiate between what we traditionally know as celebrities and the “new” macro-influencers, influencers and microinfluencers, we can segment them by their profile type and, in the last three cases, by their followers’ number.

Singers, actors, writers, athletes, famous chefs, presenters, TV show contestants … Celebrity profiles are extremely varied and do not follow a specific pattern since some are having adapted to the social networks rise and they have become macro-influencers. And on the contrary, others who have decided to keep their privacy more secure and share fewer details of their life with their followers. However, as we say, the followers’ number can oscillate and in these cases is not representative. When a brand wants to collaborate with celebrities, it must be based on the influence type they exert on their followers, in addition to the number they have, and analyze them to see if they really are those people they want to impact.

On the other hand, there are macro-influencers, influencers (as it is) and microinfluencers. Macro influencers are profiles having more than 100,000 followers. Their influence level is excellent but are less likely they can interact with their followers as they receive thousands of messages and comments they must manage daily. They are people who, in most cases, are dedicated full time to manage their profiles on social networks and their collaborations with brands. In some cases, they may even have transcended to film, music or television. Their engagement level decreases as the followers’ number rises.

The influencers as so, are profiles having a follower’s number between 10,000 and 99,999. They are the average point between the macro and microinfluencers. Despite they do not stand out like the previous ones they may continue having their professional activity regardless of their influence on networks, generating incomes and marketing with their image. In this case, they exert a higher level of influence on their followers, but not as much as in the case of microinfluencers, of which we have already spoken above.

Why is it a success to collaborating with microinfluencers?

Before acting, each brand must assess the influencers’ profiles that interest it and make a detailed study of them (followers, interaction, publications, aesthetics, brands which they have previously collaborated with, etc.). Of course, depending on the objectives and strategies that have been previously set.

The idea of working with microinfluencers is to work with different profiles at the same time to disseminate the message as much as possible especially when it comes to a product or service for a specific market segment.

In collaboration with microinfluencers, it will be possible, in addition to minimizing the cost, to obtain a greater investment return, and a greater conversion, thanks to the credibility they have and the more fidelity of their followers (that have turned into potential customers).


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Rango de precios

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3 ‐< 10 empleados: Segmento I = Desde 2000€

10 ‐< 50 empleados = Desde 2000€ -