BERT – New Google algorithm for your search engine

Today we will explain everything about the new update that Google has made in its search algorithm. As they have reported from the company, this new change comes to understand user searches better. For this from now on, the algorithm will not only pay attention to the exact match of the most relevant words of the search but to all the information existing in the search context and each word utilised by the user.

Until now, Google did not consider the connecting words used by users in search phrases, such as prepositions. But they have realised that according to these connectors the user’s search intention can vary greatly.  We leave you an example so you can see clearly how the search intention can change. In the following search “Where to find an Orange” the aim is to find a place selling oranges but is you omit the proposition, “Where to find Orange” the search intention would be to know where you can find the location of Orange city.”

Prepositions and pronouns have always caused many problems in search tools, and all this is becoming more complicated by words having various meanings such as “Ship”, it can be a ship or deliver an item. All this will improve thanks to the intelligence of the new change in the algorithm, but there is still a long way to go to capture the intention of the users to the smallest detail and as accurate as possible.

This new change from Google has been called BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and will be one of the biggest changes the company has made in its online search engine. With Google, it will offer search results considering all the words and the context of the sentence.

Google will offer search results considering all the words and the sentence context.

From Google, they bet that the results will improve by 10%. This change is made to try to know better the natural language we use to communicate and be able to anticipate our intentions, since 15% of the phrases searched by users in the search engine are new phrases that nobody had used so far, since Each individual makes a personalized and very specific search of what needs to be informed.

Until now this change has occurred only in the United States, but from the company, they say it will be available very soon in more countries and languages.


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