Emoticons in meta descriptions: How to improve the CTR

When we search in Google and our website appears among the first results (SERP -Search Engine Results Page-), we must know that we can get more clicks or CTR by using certain elements such as a good title or a striking meta description.

When we do an SEO, the final objective is not only to appear between the first Google searches but the person who is doing the search ending up clicking and enters our website. It will not help to leave, for example, among the first five results in a search if then nobody opts for us and does not click if there is no CTR.

Before getting down to work, we must know what we mean by CTR.  The CTR is the number of clicks one of our results has on Google. It is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions that result has had and is measured as a percentage.

Normally we use three parameters to measure whether a publication is successful or not: the number of impressions, that is, the number of times people see our results in a Google search; the aforementioned CTR and the objective conversion, that is to say, if once the person has clicked on our page, he has accomplished some of the objectives set.

In order to improve the CTR and reach the conversion, which is the goal of the SEO work, we can help with different tools so that our result in a Google search draws attention to the rest of the results displayed by the search engine.

To improve the CTR and reach the conversion, we can use different tools so that our result in a Google search draws attention to the rest.

How to improve the CTR in a search engine?

The basic thing that we must do is to have a URL, a title and an appropriate or appealing meta description, either through flashy, direct titles, questions that users look for, etc.

However, many times this is not enough to attract attention and we ask ourselves: what can we do? One of the answers are the rich snippets or fragments / meta-descriptions enriched. Rich snippets are an HTML type markup that we put into our website code to give search engines more advanced information and so you can see more visual results in Google. An example of this would be that in the fragment or the meta description, comments or words would appear in bold, something standing out visually over the rest of the results.

Rich snippet CTR

In recent times, another of the tools is being used to highlight a title or meta description about the rest, is the emoticons or emojis use. And, believe it or not, it is much easier than it seems. To increase your CTR using emoji or icons, embed these elements in the title and meta description. If you work with Yoast SEO you just must copy and paste the emoji or icon. In principle, in Google Chrome there should be no problem, but there are icons or emojis that are not displayed well in all browsers, especially when they appear in the title.

Resultados CTR emoji

On the use of emojis and icons in the enriched snippets, there are debate and controversy. There are experts who believe that, although now they work, Google can end up penalizing them in the long run. Why? For the simple reason that by making a result more organic you can be removing clicks to the payment results (those of Adwords) and in the end Google what he wants is that you pay to be at the very first position and have a good CTR.

We insist, to this day this is a theory, but there it remains for reflection. We do recommend you trying to enrich your title and/or meta description with icons, and thus make a difference to not only come out at the top of a search but also users would end up clicking on your page and you get a good CTR.


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