The consequences of the purchase of Giphy by Facebook

$ 400 million has just been released by Facebook to take over the most famous GIF platform on the internet. Giphy began her journey on the network back in 2013, being a kind of GIF search engine where you could register as a user, upload your own GIFs, search and embed them in your posts on social networks, blog articles, web pages, etc.

Giphy currently has more than 700 million active users and more than 10 billion GIFs are uploaded to its platform every day. And from now on these figures will go on to fatten the record numbers of the technology giant’s favorite social network: Instagram.

Giphy, the new search engine for Instagram GIFs

According to Facebook on its website, Giphy will be part of the Instagram team and it seems that her goal with this acquisition is to integrate the GIF search engine within this platform to be able to share her GIFs as stickers in Stories and Direct Messages. They also have in mind the integration with other company apps. We perfectly imagine a future integration in Messenger or even Whatsapp …

With this type of acquisition, negative comments from fans that declare their relationship with the acquired company are broken: “it will not be the same”, “goodbye to Giphy as we know her”, etc. In relation to this, Facebook has already declared its intention to continue promoting the network of creators behind the GIF platform with the intention that they continue to upload and share their animated creations with the world.


Giphy as important player in the future of Facebook

It should be mentioned that Facebook already used the Giphy API to integrate its search engine into its apps. Now what she has achieved is being able to get into “the kitchen” to get all the juice out of everything behind this company: its technology (API / SDK), its network of collaborators, its developers, the companies that use its API ( from which you can obtain information) without forgetting the huge community of users who upload content every day.

At the moment Facebook has declared that it will continue to allow access to the Giphy API to all companies and developers that already use it at the moment, in addition to maintaining its integration with other applications such as Twitter or Signal. As indicated in Xataka, it will be necessary to see if these companies maintain this integration now that it is the blue giant that is behind the nice GIF platform.

Videos, GIFs and millions of users: more possibilities than ever

All this will only enhance and enrich the content (let us not forget, it is the main engine of a social network) and will allow Facebook to continue improving its products thanks once again to the acquisition of a company with great potential, content and users. active, as it already happened in his day with Instagram or Whatsapp. Life on the internet follows its natural course.

From Multiconversion we will be attentive to the new possibilities that this news provides for digital communication and online campaigns. Surely they are not few.


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