AVO & App Indexing: Beyond the ASO

AVO (App Visibility Optimization) is the union of two concepts widely used today. On the one hand, the ASO (App Store Optimization) and on the other the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or App Indexing.

When an application wants to achieve the highest possible success, besides a good idea and a good design it needs other tools, such as Mobile App Marketing (Google and Social Ads) as well as ASO and SEO to achieve it.

Many companies think that they only must position its application within the Marketplace (which would be the purest ASO) to achieve results, but that is not the case.

Just as a good marketing strategy is the sum of multiple actions and channels (social networks, SEM, SEO, etc.), in the case of positioning a mobile application, efforts should not only work on application visibility within the in-app ecosystem. We must also achieve proper positioning in the search engines of mobile devices so that we can generate quality organic traffic and attract users at a reduced cost.

AVO & app indexing

Importance of the App Indexing

The App Indexing is based on a Google technique allowing to link the results of organic searches through deep links with the corresponding application content. In addition to its data from a large website search index, Google also uses indexed content from the Google Play Store and Apple Store applications.

This means that when the user searches for a specific product or service, Google can show a link to the product’s landing page of the application instead of the landing page of the company’s website.

This allows mobile users to jump directly from the search results to their apps, which means a valuable compromise opportunity for app marketers as it is very helpful to achieve the second great goal of an application after its download: the users’ withholding.

AVO and App Indexing

When referring to the applicable content in the applications, the Google Apps indexing focuses even more on mobile content and Google search adapts to all devices. Therefore, in the future, it is technically possible to integrate the indexing app into the search function without having to log in as an Android user.

As we already know from the market evolution, the world evolves towards an increasingly mobile ecosystem. For all these reasons, in Multiconversion we workday by day to be up to date in technology and market trends, so that our clients’ projects, stores, apps and websites are a success. Want to talk about?


We turn your brand into the
reference of your industry

Solución: Comercio electrónico

Creación de la tienda online o E-Commerce y alta del catálogo de productos.

Diseño de eCommerce en WordPress con theme a medida para la compraventa de productos. Incluyendo pasarela de pagos, diseño responsive, accesibilidad nivel AA Pautas W-CAG-2.1, autogestionable, métodos de envío, con analítica de datos.

Rango de precios

Tienda online: desde 1.200€
Incorporación de catálogo de productos: desde 800€

Posicionamiento básico en internet:

Te ayudamos a que obtengas visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda como Google con la implementación del posicionamiento SEO On site

Rango de precios

Seo on site: desde 800€

Precio y segmento del tamaño del beneficiario de la solución:

0 ‐< 3 empleados: Segmento II = Desde 2000€

3 ‐< 10 empleados: Segmento I = Desde 2000€

10 ‐< 50 empleados = Desde 2000€ -