Google Chrome will “engulf” all third-party cookies … And now what?

Google will eliminate third-party cookies in your Chrome browser in less than 2 years.

(and …a scary sound is heard comes in!)

It is news spreading like wildfire, in generalist media, and sector media of marketing and advertising. Let’s see what this measure consists of and how it will affect those of us who are dedicated to selling online…

But is this good or bad?

Well, it depends, like other so many things, on the point of view you look in. Surely it is good news for the consumer if we consider the issue of privacy. But this is awful news for advertisers because, without these third-party cookies, our sales actions will lose a lot of efficiencies

Why? Because, thanks to third-party cookies, we can, for example, help convince users who are deciding whether to buy our product to do so. We have explained this recently when we talk about dynamic remarketing

But … what are third-party cookies?

Third-party cookies are those that are installed in a user’s browser when they visit a website that does not belong to that website. For example, when you visit a website, it introduces a Google Analytics cookie so you can record a follow-up of visits and your browsing through the web. You are also likely to install a cookie from those platforms where you advertise, such as Facebook Ads, Linkedin Ads, Twitter Ads … There are also cookies from marketing automation tools that need to know when a new user enters or if they already knew your website so that the Brand can send you a message or another. Or other tracking tools that allow you to record random sessions of users to see how they interact with the web’s elements and thus improve their usability.

All this, according to Google, will no longer be possible in two years.

(the threat of fear comes again: bang bang bang!)

But … does Google not live on advertising?

We might think that this Google movement makes little sense, being a company living on the users’ data, and advertising is its main revenue source (and what a piece of source!).

Google has been changing its speech for months. This internet monster is not dumb and has detected that the issue of privacy worries users more and more, and until now, Google was the evil company knowing everything about us,  following us wherever we go, through its Android operating system, from Google Maps, from your Google Chrome browser …

Google wants to change that vision; hence it now proposes movements like those of cookies.

And what alternative does Google propose?

Obviously, Google cannot take all this burden without anything happening. One thing is  Google wants to position itself as a user privacy defender, and another is to run out of data.

Google will load third-party cookies, but obviously not yours. It will also do it progressively. Two years has given room to shape another route, a priori safer, that will allow it to create a standard for the industry. A new less invasive technology.

And how is it going to do this? According they comment in Xataka, it is a kind of private SanBox allowing advertisers to continue impacting users with customized messages but without sharing with them all their browsing history.

From here is where the speculations come in. This sandbox will take control of third-party companies, but … will it give Google more significant control over the data? Now nothing tells us that it will not be like that.

We will have to see how the subject evolves and adapt soon because nobody in the industry is interested in losing the effectiveness cookies give to digital advertising campaigns, or advertisers or large advertising platforms.

In Multiconversion we will be attentive to finally see what that standard is that promises to be safer for users without, at the same time, detracting from our campaigns.

We will continue reporting!


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